On 5th February, our English teacher Mrs Lievenbrück came to us and started our English class as usual with our one minute “brain break“. After that she suggested to have breakfast together during the next English lesson. All of us were very excited and we decided which breakfast items each of us wanted to bring along and also what we should wear on this special occasion ...

The next day when I came into the class Mrs Lievenbrück and a few kids had already set up the table for the breakfast. At 8 o’clock everybody was there on time and some of us dressed up carnival-like: There was a hippie, two cowgirls, a legoman, a gangster, a football fan, a karate kid, an undercover agent and a bodyguard – we even had a demon and a goddess! We had a lot of fun and at 8:45am breakfast finally started. There were lots of delicious things to eat: We had some packets of cornflakes, some bottles of milk, orange and apple juice, some ham, salami and cheese, 500 grams of butter, a glass of honey and jam, three glasses of nutella and some other fine things to put on our rolls... Somebody brought a bowl of fresh fruit salad and that was also really delicious! We even had an electric kettle so we had hot water for the peppermint tea. The breakfast was just perfect and in the end we took some funny pictures of the dressed-up kids and our whole class, but see for yourself!


Dressed up for the nines
Dressed up for the nines
Dressed up for the nines
Dressed up for the nines
Dressed up for the nines
Dressed up for the nines
Dressed up for the nines
Dressed up for the nines